Tag Archives: The Cool Page

Basic Training United States Army

Basic Training United States Army

 September 11th, 1991 was my first day in basic training or boot camp. Drill Sargent Dooley was our main drill sergeant. The tough Fort Jackson, South Carolina Tank Hill. The incredibly strong World War II  wooden barracks that were still standing on Tank Hill.  Day one started out hot and then winter came within weeks.  Basic training  was a day by day challenge. We were trained by great men . The experience was something that made me  a better man. You learn what a team can do as opposed to what an individual can do. Victory started at Tank Hill Fort Jackson, South Carolina. 

James Rumpf 1991 Basic Training.
James Rumpf 1991 Basic Training.

The Cool Page

The Cool Page

Everything That’s Cool in this world. This is mainly about Movies, Music, Pictures that change our lives.

Giorgio Moroder
Cool Music.

Field Of Dreams
Build it and they will come.

Cool Pictures And Music
Beautiful Pictures And Music.


Cool Cartoon Characters
Felix The Cat.

Cool iMessage Stickers
Cool animation.

Cool Imessage Stickers.
Cool iMessage Stickers.
Cool iPhone Case.
Cool iPhone Case.









Ferris Bueller
Takes The Day Off.

Back To The Future
Cool Movie.

1980s Retro
Cool iPhone Game.

Cool iPhone Game.
Cool iPhone Game.

Casper The Friendly Ghost

Casper The Friendly Ghost

Casper The Friendly Ghost

Casper The Friendly Ghost drawn for Jimmy Rumpf  by Joe Oriolo on December, 5th, 1982. This is one of my favorite pictures of Casper in the whole world.

Casper Jimmy Rumpf

Joe Oriolo.


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